Original operation manual
2KGel_14025_25015_BAoDB_en_1701 • rs
Technical data
8.2 Machine card
The machine card contains all important and safety-relevant data and
information regarding the machine:
precise designation and manufacturer's data,
technical data and limit values,
equipment and test confirmation,
procurement data,
machine identification (machine components and accessories supplied with
article and spare parts numbers).
8.3 Type plate
The type plate is located on the air
motor of the proportioning pump
It contains the most important
technical data for the machine.
Fig. 21: Example of a type plate
Please ensure that the data on the type plate matches the information on
the machine card. In case of errors or a missing type plate, please inform us
Furthermore, several machine components possess a separate type plate, e.g.:
Flush pump (if present)
These type plates contain the technical data and serial numbers for the
corresponding components.