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 Failure to perform the above-mentioned work may cause the door leaf/curtain to suddenly drop and injure people or dam-

age items near the door.



 Failure to comply may result in severe injuries due to crushing by the door or other hazards.


[D000689] When the end positions are being set, the drive unit automatically adjusts the overload function (applies to drive units with this feature). 
The overload sensitivity can be adjusted manually following the instruction manual of the controller.




Set the force and sensitivity of the overload protector in accordance with the drive unit Installation Manual (applies to drive 

units with overload adjustment). 
The set overload protector force should be the minimal force required for the door to perform a complete opening / closing cycle.

The overload sensitivity setting is crucial for providing protection against accidents or crushing of elements located within the open-
ing. In accordance with the PN-EN 12453 standard, the dynamic force of the main closing edge cannot exceed 400 [N], while the 
duration of dynamic force application should not exceed 750 [ms].



 Adjust the door pressure and thrust to prevent the risk of personal injury and damage to property.



 Each time the overload rate is adjusted (which applies to drive units with adjustable overload rate), verify that the force 

limit meets the specifications of PN-EN 12453 Annex A.



 Failure to comply may result in severe injuries due to crushing by the door or other hazards.




Anti-drop safety device has been tested and certified with sectional doors of the manufacturer.
It is certified to be used solely in doors produced by the manufacturer.
The manufacturer does not bear responsibility for applying this safety device in other doors. The anti-drop safety device may be used in all sectional 
doors produced by the manufacturer, which operate vertically by means of a drive or manually.
The device is suitable for doors with the leaf weight from 20kg to 500kg. The safety device should be installed on both cables, on which the door 
leaf is hanged.

Actions to be performed during maintenance inspection
The following actions are to be performed during maintenance inspection:

1.  Release the door spring tension.
2.  Check the condition of the spring fixing the lever.
3.  Check if the cutter lever to which the cable is screwed, operates smoothly, without jerks.
4.  Check if the top roller moves smoothly in the sleeve. If necessary, lubricate it with consistent grease.

If any irregularities in the safety device operation are observed, IT IS PROHIBITED to do any repairs. The device should be obligatory replaced with 
a new one.

Actions to be performed when the device is activated (blocked)

•  Secure the door leaf against drop-down. 
•  Release the spring tension.
•  To easily turn the lever, firstly lift the door leaf slightly, and then pull the lever downwards.
•  Dismantle the safety device. 

•  ATTENTION! If the device was activated (was used), it is obligatory to replace it with a new one.
•  It is necessary to change all door components that have been damaged in the result of safety device activation.


•  any modifications of the product;
•  repairs of components.
•  [C000465] Power cable replacement.



 Before any maintenance or inspection of a garage door, disconnect the drive from power source. Also a battery power 

supply should be disconnected if it has been delivered.



 All the actions should be carried out as instructed in this Installation and Operating Manual. Please send any remarks and 

recommendations you might have to the owner in writing, e.g. note them in the Report Book or in the Warranty Sheet. After com-
pleting the inspection, confirm that the inspection was performed by adding an entry in the Report Book or in the Warranty Sheet.




Door cables dropped from the drum.  

•  Check the cable tension. 
•  In automatic doors, check the position of limit switches. 
•  Check the spacing between the guides along its whole length. Check, 

if the door is not blocked in the guides. 

•  Check the angle of the horizontal guides (if the guides have proper 


•  Check the position of door bumpers. 
•  Check if the length of both cables is identical. 

The door opens difficultly/ suddenly drops. The door leaf is not bal-
anced (the door drops or opens by itself). 

•  Check the spring tension - open the door to its half open position, the 

door should remain in this position. If the door clearly drops, increase 
the spring tension. If the door clearly rises, decrease the spring ten-
sion. Both springs should have the same tension. 

•  Check the springs conditions, and lubricate. 
•  Check, if the cables are wound up and tightened properly.



Technical description


Operating and Maintenance Manual

 – Sectional garage door UniPro

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Страница 22: ...Assembler WIŚNIOWSKI Sp z o o S K A PL 33 311 Wielogłowy 153 TEL 48 18 44 77 111 FAX 48 18 44 77 110 www wisniowski pl N 49 40 10 E 20 41 12 IIiO BS UniPro 04 2020 ID 98589 KTM 653A300985891 ...
