3. Using the Service
Click once on the “CONNECT” button on the right of the
Service Status Diagram.
The service status diagram will now show your connection status as
Once the uplink has
connected the first of the
three arrows on the status
diagram will be highlighted
in dark blue. This confirms
that the uplink equipment is
operational and the uplink
connection has been
established. It may take up
to one minute depending on
the uplink service being
When the connection to the
Wired Ocean satellite
communications hub has
been established the second
of the three arrows on the
status diagram will be
highlighted. This confirms
that the S-Box is able to
collect requested data,
deliver it to the hub and
validate your subscription.
The S-Box then performs a
check to confirm that it can
receive information from the
Wired Ocean hub. When
this is confirmed the third
arrow will be highlighted.
This confirms that the
downlink satellite is
operational, that the TVRO
is operating correctly and
the S-Box is receiving the
Wired Ocean downlink.
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