This manual is intended to provide the necessary information regarding configuration and usage of the PCM-MIO digital
I/O module. WinSystems maintains a Technical Support Group to help answer questions not adequately addressed in this
manual. Contact Technical Support at (817) 274-7553, Monday through Friday, between 8 AM and 5 PM Central Standard
Time (CST).
Analog Input
• Two 8-channel, 16-bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D) (LTC-1859CG) with sample-and-hold-circuit support
Conversion Rate: 100 ksps max
Any combination of up to 16 single-ended input channels and up to 8 differential input channels
Each channel independently programmable for input type and range
Input ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V, ±5V or ±10V
Input Protection: ±25V
Supports industry standard signal conditioners
Programmable interrupt and DMA support
Analog Output
• Two 4-channel, 12-bit Digital-to-Analog (D/A) (LTC-2704CGW-12)
Output ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V, ±5V or ±10V, +/-2.5V, -2.5V to 7.5V
Each channel independently programmable for output type and range
Output channels can be updated and cleared individually or simultaneously
Interrupt I/O supported
Supports industry standard signal conditioners
Digital I/O
• 48 bidirectional lines with Input, Output, or Output with Readback (WS16C48)
12 mA sink current per line
• Ability to generate an interrupt on signal change-of state (24 bits)
• Write-protection mask register for each port
Programmable Edge Polarity
+5V required, 490mA typical
Operating Temperature
-40°C to 85°C
Form Factor
• 3.6 x 3.8 inches (90 x 96 mm)
The PCM-MIO is a versatile, PC/104 analog input, analog output, and digital I/O board designed for high accuracy and high
channel count analog and digital I/O. The board is based upon Linear Technologies’ state of the art precision converters
and voltage references which require no external callibration.
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