W90P710 Programming Guide
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Table No.: 1200-0003-07-A
Transferred bytes = [GDMA_TCNT] * Transfer width * 4 /* burst mode is enabled */
In case of burst mode is enabled, the transferred bytes of the above example should be 16 * 2 * 4
= 128
5.4.3 Transfer Termination
When GDMA finishes the transfer, it will set the bit [TC] of register GDMA_CTRL and generate an
interrupt request if the interrupt is enabled. The device driver can either poll the bit [TC] or wait the
GDMA interrupt occurs to know the transfer is completed. Note that the device driver must clear bit
[TC] to clear this interrupt request to let the next GDMA operation to continue.
5.4.4 GDMA operation started by software
The GDMA can be configured as software mode to perform memory-to-memory transfer. In this
mode, the transfer operation starts as soon as the setting of the GDMA control registers are set, the
setting of source address, destination address, and transfer count should be programmed in
advanced. The programming method of software mode is listed below:
(1) Set the GDMA to software mode (GDMAMS=00b).
(2) Set the GDMA to Block Mode.
(3) After all configuration of the GDMA, set [SOFTREQ] = 1 and [GDMAEN] = 1 to start
the GDMA operation.
(4) Single mode is invalid.
(5) Demand mode is invalid.
In software mode, bit SOFTREQ and GDMAEN are self-cleared. The GDMA controller
automatically clears these 2 bits after transfer completed. However, GDMAEN won’t be self-clear if
AUTOIEN bit is set. Hence, the driver only needs to set bit SOFTREQ to start next data transfer. If the
GDMA didn’t complete this transfer, it will cause the GDMA transfer error bit to be set, and the