Installation and operating instructions WILO Mather and Platt
Gland pack version
2600 Bearing
Back cover
2752 Bearing end cover (NDE)
Support foot
2753 Bearing end cover (DE)
2760 Bearing housing
Impeller nut
2902 Internal circlip
2902-1 External circlip
Water deflector
3200 Key (impeller)
Shaft sleeve
3250 Key (coupling)
Spacer sleeve
4250 O ring for sleeve
Logging ring
4250-1 O ring for casing
4031 Lip seal
Gland packing
Strip the coupling and remove the spacer if fitted.
Unfasten nuts holding frame adaptor to pump casing
(1000) and lift off rotating element with bearing housing
Note: Where coupling without spacer is fitted, it will be
necessary to move driving unit away from the pump before
this operation can be carried out.
Impeller (1501) can be drawn off after removing impeller
nut (1700)
Remove gland(2310) & back cover (1185)
Draw shaft sleeve (2100) off the shaft (1800)
Note: Unnecessary removal of the bearings should be
avoided because frequent removal of the bearings can
damage it and cause deterioration of the interference fit.
Bearings should be removed only, if they need close
inspection. Symptoms which will act as a guide are the
condition of the lubricant, the bearing running temperature
and the noise level during the operation.
For Oil lubricated pumps
First drain out the oil completely
Rest procedure for dismantling of pump is same as of
Gland Pack pumps.
9.4 Reassembling the pump
Press the drive end bearing (2600) onto the shaft (1800),
pushing on inner ring.
Fit the external circlip (2902-1)
Vacuum and blow out all cavities of bearing housing
Mount the bearing housing (2760) onto the shaft
Press the non drive end bearing on shaft
Fasten the outer bearing (2753) cover assembly
Secure the inner bearing cover (2752) assembly
Fit the deflector (2070) & coupling key (3250)
Place the back cover (1185) on bench. Insert the packing
(2410) / logging ring (2300) set into the stuffing box
Fit the gland (2310) into stuffing box
Hold the gland with nuts finger tight
Fasten the back cover assembly to frame adaptor
Fit the sleeve (2100) & rotate shaft (1800) check for
Fit the impeller key (3200) tightly, fit the gasket on front
and back side of the impeller and tap Impeller lightly into
Tighten the impeller nut (1700), steady the shaft at
coupling end
Check operating gap 0.5-1.5 mm in between back cover
and impeller
Lightly grease ‘O’ ring
(4250) and fit
Stand the casing (1000) on suction flange
Vacuum and blow out all cavities
Grease the seal ring area all around
Lower the rotating element assembly into casing take care
of ‘O’ ring
(4250-1) (Place the bearing housing in vertical
position for ease of assembly)
Fit all studs and nuts
Check the free rotation of shaft
Bolt on support foot (1192) finger tight
Adjust the support foot and tighten bolt
Fit the casing plug
For Oil lubricated pumps
Press the coupling end bearing (2600) first
Then slide in the oil thrower (1950)
Now place the impeller end bearing (2600)
Rest procedure is same as that of Gland Pack pumps
After completion of reassembly of pump, fill the bearing
hosing with oil of proper grade and quantity
For Vertical pumps
Press the non drive end bearing (2602) onto the shaft
(1800), pushing on inner ring.
Press the drive end bearing (2601) onto the shaft
Fasten the non drive end bearing cover (2751) assembly to
frame adaptor (1193)
Fit the Peg pin (4280) onto the shaft (1800)
Fit the shaft sleeve (2100) on the shaft & over the peg pin
for locking
Then slide in the water deflector (2070)
Place the back cover (1185) on bench. Insert the packing
(2410) / logging ring (2300) set into the stuffing box
Fit the impeller key (3200) tightly, fit the gasket on front
and back side of the impeller and tap Impeller lightly (1500)
into place
Tighten impeller nose cap (1650), steady the shaft
at coupling end
Check operating gap 0.5-1.5 mm in between back cover
and impeller
Lightly grease the
‘O’ ring
(4250) and fit
Stand the casing (1000) on suction flange
Vacuum and blow out all cavities
Grease the seal ring area all around