Installation and operating instructions WILO Mather and Platt
WILO Mather and Platt is very grateful for your interest in its products. The basic objective of
this document is to provide instructions for maintaining and operating WILO Mather and Platt
MISO / PISO pumps. Instructions are compiled for the person having a working knowledge of
End Suction pumps and the pumps shall be installed under expert supervision and guidance.
With this document WILO Mather and Platt does not accept any liability for inaccurate
installation, operation or maintenance of the product at site. The authorities that install and
maintain the pump shall be responsible for hassle free installation operation or maintenance
of the product.
This document is prepared with at most care to ensure correct and accurate information,
enabling the user to have trouble free installation and operational support. However, there can
be few areas for improvement to make this document error free.
We welcome your valuable suggestions to make this document complete in all respects.
Plant Location -
Pump Type -
So. No. -
Q (m3/hr.) -
H (m) -
N (rpm) -
P kW -
Imp. Dia. -
Note: To be filled by the Customer
WILO Mather and Platt Pumps Pvt. Ltd.
Mumbai-Pune Road, Chinchwad,
Pune- 411 019, Maharashtra (India)
Tel: +91 20 27442100/1/2/3/4,
Toll Fee Service: 1-800-266-8866
Fax: +91 2027442111