When parking during cold, wet weather, swing the front wheels from right to
left to wipe away moisture adhering to the front axle universal joint housings
and oil seals, Fig. 5. This will prevent freezing with resulting damage to the oil
seal felts. When the vehicle is stored for any period, the front axle universal
joint housings should be coated with light grease to prevent rusting.
How to Save Gasoline
1. In cold weather economical starting of the engine is easily obtained by pressing down on the accelerator pedal once or
twice, then push down on the clutch pedal and start engine using the choke sparingly. Do not use the choke when starting a
warm engine.
2. Do not use the choke excessively while engine is warming up and never leave it out longer than absolutely necessary.
3. Accelerate gently. Tramping on the accelerator pumps more gasoline into the cylenders than can be effectively used.
4. Holding the car in second gear until you get up to high speeds may easily double the gasoline you should use in getting
under way. Shift into high gear at about 20 miles per hour.
5. Fast driving uses up more gasoline. Travel at moderate speeds if you want gasoline economy.
6. Decelerate to a gradual stop. Sudden stops, like sudden starts, are wasteful of gasoline.
7. Park your car in the shade if possible, hot sun evaporates gasoline.
8. Don't drive your tires with less than the proper amount of air pressure. Under-inflated tires mean more road friction, more
work for the engine to do -- and therefore more gasoline consumed. See "Tire Pressure".
9. Keep the battery charged up in good condition. It helps starting and provides good ignition thereby reducing loss of
10. Letting the engine idle for long periods wastes gasoline.
11. Be sure that the carburetor is in proper condition for maximum mileage and power.
12. One faulty or dirty spark plug may waste as much as 10 percent of your gasoline. Have the spark plugs tested
13. Keep your car well lubricated at all times, and be very careful to follow the instructions on "Lubrication".
14. Keep the radiator filled to the proper level; your engine will remain at a more constant temperature. An overheated engine
uses more gasoline.
15. Check the operation of the automatic heat control on the exhaust manifold. The purpose of this heater is to warm the
mixture of air and gasoline as it leaves the carburetor, in order to give better vaporization. (See Manifold Heat Control).
16. It is a good idea to have a complete engine tune-up every 5,000 miles, or at least twice a year -- in the Fall when preparing
for Winter driving and again in the Spring. The Owner Service Policy entitles you to an adjustment and complete
inspection without charge at the end of the first 1000 miles.