Above 90º F.................SAE 30
Not Lower than 32º F...SAE 20 or 30
As Low as +10º F........SAE 20 W
As Low as -10º F.........SAE 10 W
To temperatures below -10º F, use SAE 10 W plus 10%
Valve and Ignition Timing
Inlet opens 9 degrees before top centre
Inlet closes 50 degrees after bottom centre
Exhaust opens 47 degrees before bottom centre
Exhaust closes 12 degrees after top centre
Spark Setting
Spark set top centre with automatic spark controls at rest, when
using low octane fuel.
Firing Order
Tappet setting for valve timing
Number of flywheel teeth
Piston Measurements
From Top Centre
.039" (9.91 mm.)
3.772" (95.81 mm.)
3.799" (96.49 mm.)
.054" (0.14 mm.)
"IGN" 5º BTC
.020" (0.51 mm.)