Personal PA
DSP FM Wideband Transmitter
Figure 19: Audio Settings Page
The Audio Settings page displays all current audio settings, as well as corresponding T45 web-based controls.
Note: Turning off the Audio Level Monitor may improve performance of the webpage, particularly on mobile devices that have less
processing power. Network speed can also affect the audio monitor updating and web page performance.
Audio Input Jack Select
(includes internal
Tone Generator
as a selection)
Audio Level Monitor
(update speed may vary,
and may be delayed
when compared with
the front panel LEDs)
Audio Input Gain Adjust
(goal is to have audio
peaking around 0dB)
Audio Configuration Presets
(numbers will change but
will be shaded out below for
Voice, Music and Hearing
Assist Presets)
Custom Audio Preset Configuration
(becomes adjustable when
Custom button is selected)
Apply changes button
(required for changes to take effect,
but only becomes clickable if a
change has been entered)
Click on this small
rectangular button
to start/stop the
Audio Level Monitor