Personal PA
DSP FM Wideband Transmitter
Figure 15: Williams Sound Device Discoverer Tool (optional)
b. Open a web browser on the Laptop or Desktop PC.
c. In the address bar, type in the IP address of the T45 (static from step 2 or dynamic from step 5) and hit “Enter”.
d. When you connect to the T45, you should see the Login Page (see Figure 17).
6. After logging in, verify control of the T45 by changing a setting from the web page, and watching it change on the T45
front panel display.
a. An easy setting to verify is changing the channel (see Figure 20).
7. For easy access next time, build a “favorite” link to the T45 (just like you would for a favorite website).
a. If you can’t make a link, you can always go back to the IP address (step 5) by going into the website history or typing in the
first few numbers of the address (i.e. “192.168”) into the address bar and it should see the link you recently visited. This
method is cumbersome, which is why a “favorite” link is suggested.
Note: The procedure outlined here is a simple example of the basic steps required to set up control of the T45 transmitter with
a hard-wired computer. Existing network topology, security, type of devices and network preferences all contribute to how the
network may be set up and how you may be able access the T45. Consult with a trained IT professional if you are unsure how
you should set up network control.