User Manual 5.1-1 (2018-09) 17
Subject to change
Series FK92K
Wall types
The walls, shaft walls, facings, fire walls, etc. must be
produced according to the manufacturer’s specifications
or technical standards. General building authority test
certificates (AbP) must be observed in Germany.
Consideration must be given to specifications for design,
fire resistance period and fire safety classification,
specified wall widths, wall heights and wall thicknesses,
and dimensionings for studding and cladding.
The wall types and sub-structures require
tions A-A
with a suitable design.
see pages 19 to 26
Flexible walls of the “metal stud wall” type can be
clad on one side or both sides. The cladding may be
single-layer or multi-layer, depending on the fire resist-
ance period.
In general, shaft walls and facings should be clad on
one side. Shaft walls without metal studs should only
be fastened at the side.
see pages 25 and 26
Fire walls and safety partition walls are made of metal
studs with several layers of cladding on both sides and
may contain sheet metal inlays.
see page 27
Metal stud walls can be produced with or without
mineral wool between the metal studs.
Cladding made of DF type gypsum boards according
to EN 520 or equivalent cladding material (fire-resist-
ant plasterboards, cement-bound boards, calcium
silicate boards, etc.) must be fixed in a manner appro-
priate to the wall in question.
In the perimeter area of the FK90K fire dampers,
cladding must be secured with drywall screws of a
suitable length and a diameter of ≥ 3.9 mm at spacings
of ≤ 200 mm or ≤ 150 mm.
see pages 19 to 32
Profiles for metal stud walls are described by
DIN 18182 and EN 14195, and constructions by
DIN 18183.
FK90K fire dampers may be installed in metal stud
walls with
up to 1000 mm metal stud spacing
and have been tested accordingly.
The required bay rails and stiffeners should
be used for installing FK90K fire dampers in
metal stud walls so as to produce circumferen-
tial frames. Intersections must be connected
with two blind rivets made from steel with diam-
eters of 4 to 5 mm or with drywall screws with
diameters of ≥ 3.5 mm and lengths of ≥ 10 mm.
Two-way prefixing may also be performed by means
of clinching (crimping), as is typical in dry construction.
Two joint points should be used.
In addition, the claddings must be connected to the
metal framework at the intersections using double-con-
nected screw fastenings.
The following
minimum thickness W [mm]
is required
for installing FK90K fire dampers:
according to wall types:
see pages 19 to 33
Gap "s"
on installation openings must be filled:
Gap s ≤ 20 mm
must be filled with
fillings F2
made of
strips of non-combustible
mineral wool
(also mineral
wool infill), approx. 100 mm wide, ≥ 80 kg/m³ density,
≥ 1000°C melting point, or alternatively using mats
made of calcium-magnesium silicate (e.g. filling F1).
Clear width of
installation openings
b x h = (B + 100
- 30
mm) x (H + 80
- 30
Butt joints s ≤ 2 mm to 5 mm
must be sealed or filled
gypsum joint filler
. This installation is possible in
walls with thicknesses W ≤ 115 mm. Clear width of
installation openings:
b x h = (B + 67 mm) x (H + 47 mm)
FK90K fire dampers
Installation in metal stud walls (1a) General
Fire resistance period in minutes
Metal stud walls with
cladding on both
1-layer cladding
2-layer cladding
Shaft walls made
from wall boards, at
least 2 layers
with metal studs
without metal studs
2 drywall screws
3.5 mm (both sides)