Before use, the instructions in this user
manual and those for the respective
accessory are to be followed!
This device may only be operated by
trained personnel� User training will
be provided by WILAmed or WILAmed
authorized agents�
The USB interface may be used only for
service purposes�
Temperatures in operation differ from
the storage and transport temperatures�
The AIRcon Gen2 may only be operated
at an ambient temperature of 18°C to
If the device is stored or transported
at an ambient temperature of -25°C
or +70°C, then the device must be
acclimatized prior to operation at an
ambient temperature of 18°C to 26°C
for 30 minutes�
Small parts can be swallowed�
2.2 Precautions
Precautions are indicated by the term
� Precautionary measures
warn the user of special precautions
to ensure safe and effective use of the
AIRcon Gen2 respiratory humidifier�
To avoid overheating, a breathing gas
flow of at least 2l/min is constantly
required in the breathing tube
system� If the breathing gas supply is
interrupted, the device must be turned
off� For applications that require the
patient's separation from the humidifier,
the device needs to be switched to
"treatment interruption" mode�
The water used to fill the humidification
chamber must not be warmer than the
ambient temperature!
Before any maintenance, inspection
or repair work, the device must be
disconnected from the mains�
Any intervention in the device –
including maintenance and testing –
must be performed by trained service
technicians in accordance with the
applicable legal provisions� For details,
please refer to the supplementary