WIKA operating instructions, model CTH7000
08/2020 EN/BG
4. Design and function
Either channel can accept either Smart or Passive probes; any combination of probes can
be use together. Smart probes (described in chapter 4.5 “Smart probes”) contain their
own calibration information and communicate this to the CTH7000 as soon as they are
used. Passive probes do not contain calibration information and the CTH7000 must be
set-up with the calibration information for each probe used (and each time the probe is
Probe connection information for both PRTs and thermistors is shown below (viewed
looking towards the sockets).
Two wire PRTs/thermistors must have pins1 & 2 connected together and also pins 4
and 5 connected together.
4-Wire SMART probe (SMP) PRT/thermistor input
4-Wire Passive probe PRT/thermistor input
PRT or thermistor
PRT or thermistor