WIENER, Plein & Baus GmbH
Stack entries below are shown in hexadecimal half-words to be packed into array arguments
of xxusb_stack_execute (array of longwards) or xxusb_longstack_execute (array ou unsigned
A. Simple A32 WRITE command
Writing 0x12345678 into utility register Reg_a
The following stack is target for xxusb_stack_execute and must be therefore packed into an
array of 32-bit integers – on half-word per one 32-bit integer.
1. 0007
7 half-words to follow
2. 0000
3. 0009
AM=0x9 and non-BLT A32 WRITE
4. 0000
5. 0004
address offset for Reg_a
6. 0000
7. 5678
data – low half-word
8. 1234
data – high half word
Note: xxusb_stack_execute returns 1 on success.
B. Stack of two simple A32 Write commands
Writing 0x2222111 into Reg_a and 0x44443333 into Reg_b
The following stack is target for xxusb_stack_execute and must be therefore packed into an
array of 32-bit integers – on half-word per one 32-bit integer.
1. 000D
13 half-words to follow
2. 0000
3. 0009
AM=0x9, non-BLT A32 write
4. 0000
5. 0004
address offset for Reg_a
6. 0000
7. 1111
data – low half-word
8. 2222
data – high half word
9. 0009
AM=9, non-BLT A32 WRITE
10. 0000
11. 0008
address offset for Reg_b
12. 0000
13. 3333
data – low half-word
14. 4444
data – high half-word
Note: xxusb_stack_execute returns 1 on success.