Chapter 5
18.07.2013 Working
Page 19 of 37
5.5. How to weld with the ESI 4000
B a s i c a l l y , t h e r e s p e c t i v e l y v a l i d w e l d i n g g u i d e l i n e s h a v e t o b e
r e s p e c t e d ( I S O / C E N / D V S . . . ) .
Entirely roll out welding cable, plug ESI 4000 to the sockets if necessary use adaptor.
Wear safety gloves to prevent burnings.
You may be injured by spillings.
Wear safety glasses during welding.
Only insert prepared pipes (peeled) into the socket!
Only use connecting contacts that fit the socket type.
Observe a tight fit of these contacts!
2nd line:
no.0000 read in socket
Current joint number is indicated.
Current resistor is indicated.
Read in code of the socket via the bar code reading pen, this is confirmed
by a signal.
2nd line:
Error: Socket does
not fit to code
Appears if socket and pipes do not match, or if
socket still is too warm after aborting the welding
process. => This occurs unless the wires inside
the fittings have cooled down inbetween two
welding processes, and thus the actual resistance
does not match the required value.
Delete error and confirm error message with <Start> - button
2nd line:
Manu Type Diam Time
XXXX XXX 000 000
Indicates the manufacturer, socket type, socket
diameter [mm] and heating [sec]
If the bar code is to be entered manually:
Keep button <+> pressed for 4 s
2nd line:
Manually enter code
Manually enter the socket bar code via the buttons <+ / - / Start>, at the
end of the code number press start several times until following indication
2nd line:
Manu Type Diam Time
XXXX XXX 000 000
Indicates the manufacturer, socket type, socket
diameter [mm] and heating [sec]