Starting and operating
Chapter 5
Working instructions WIDOS 2500 - 250 adjustable
Page 20 of 48
5.3.3. Compensation of mismatch
Close the support.
Check pipe mismatch and gap on the joining pipe ends. According to DVS 2207, the
mismatch on the pipe outer side must not exceed 0.1 x pipe wall thickness, the admissible
gap must not exceed 0.5 mm.
The mismatch compensation is carried out by the vertical and horizontal mismatch
compensation (chapter: 5.2.3) or by further tightening or releasing of the clamping nuts.
In case mismatch compensation was carried out, planing must be repeated afterwards.
5.3.4. Bead up
Gather the adjusting force for the pipe dimension to be welded from the welding table.
Open the support again slightly.
Gather the heating time, max. change-over time, cooling time and bead height from the
welding table.
Check the heating element temperature if necessary wait until the control lamp is blinking in
regular intervals.
Swivel in the heating element which has been cleaned and brought to desired temperature.
Close the slide smoothly with the calculated adjusting force (chapter 4.1 no. 6).
At the scale (no. 4) on the movable left side support) the applied force can be read.
By means of the tension lever (no. 5), the support is arrested and the force is maintained.
Necessarily hold tight
to the turnstile (6) before you release the clamping lever
(5) and if the slides have been driven together with force!
As soon as the prescribed bead height is reached, reduce the force (heating force = appr.
10 % of adjusting force).
Do not drive the basic machine apart.
5.3.5. Heating up
Now the heating time starts.
Press the stop-watch and compare the actual time with the nominal time taken from the
welding table.
5.3.6. Change over
Quickly drive the slide apart after the heating time has elapsed, release the clamping lever
hold tight to the cross handle (6).
Swivel the heating element as quickly as possible back and close the support smoothly.
The maximum time frame for this process is predetermined by the value for the change
over time taken from the table.