In order to ensure correct operation of the appliance, a gap
of at least 5 mm must be left for the length of recessing on
the front of the unit during installation.
This is because the electronic controls are equipped with
a protection device which,
when the temperature of the
electronic part exceeds 85°C, turns off the hob until
it returns below this limit.
During operation then a fan
comes on to guarantee the necessary air flow to avoid
exceeding of the temperature limit.
Therefore provide the installation with an underlying
protection that in any case guarantees a flow of air from
the back of the unit or, if the hob is installed above an
oven, a type of insulation that is adequate to ensure
that this temperature is not exceeded. In the case of
overtemperature, the electronic part may fail, for which the
manufacturer declines all responsibility.
- Make the notch in the worktop according to the dimensions relative to the
model (see figure above).
Respect the minimum distance of 50 mm towards the rear wall as well as
to the right or left towards any side wall.
Turn the hob upside down and
apply the seal supplied with the
accessories kit to the outside
edge evenly.