B E L 1 5 0 - 1 5 1 / 1 5 0 X - 1 5 1 X S e m i - A u t o m a t i c U n i f o r m C a s e T a p e S e a l e r s
Frequent Belt Breakage
Belt life will depend on the conditions of machine use but frequent breakage may be due to one or more
of the following conditions:
Belt tracking. Check that the belt does not try to ride up or down on the pulleys. See belt tensioning
and tracking adjustment under
Service and Maintenance Procedures
Belt Tension. Belts may be over-tensioned - correct setting allows approximately one inch of slack at
center point of conveyor.
Idler and drive pulley rotation. Check that pulleys rotate freely and that bearings are not excessively
worn or seized.
Rotation direction of belt. Look on the back of the belt for the type of join. Stepped-lap splice belts
must move in the direction of the arrow marked on the inside of the belt. Newer style “finger”-
spliced belts can move in either direction.
Machine Jams Frequently
Turn off the machine as soon as jam occurs and before clearing jam. Open Belts and raise the top tape
head, remove jammed case and debris. Check for jam causes:
Top tape head is adjusted too low.
Product is overfilled or inconsistent causing intermittent jams.
Top flaps are not folding correctly, flaps then hit top ski or tape head mechanism.