Rev. (202210)
Operating instructions
Top bar (A)
This indicates the machine status using text and symbols (2, 3, 4) and the date
and time (1).
Alarm and information messages are displayed here. More information about
these is shown in the activity field (C).
Process bar (B)
This indicates what the machine is doing using various symbols (7) and text (6).
This is where authorised personnel log in (5).
Activity field (C)
This indicates what must be done or what is happening in the machine, and is
shown using various figures and text.
Alarm and information messages are displayed in detail here. There are three
different levels of these.
BLUE: Information message with code number.
YELLOW: Non-critical alarm message with code number. Yellow alarms
may be reset by the user. A yellow alarm may change to a red alarm after
being displayed a certain number of times.
RED: Critical alarm message with code number. Service personnel must
be contacted for these alarms.
Bottom bar (D)
This displays the machine's three main symbols (8, 9, 10).
Back button (8)
Home button (9)
Menu button (10)