Rev. (202210)
Installation instructions
Checking and setting the final rinse flow
“Diagnosis” tab
The final rinse flow is set in the factory but should be checked after the machine
has been installed. In order to access “Diagnosis”, the user must log in with
access level S1. The password for S1 is “wd”
Prepare the machine for use in accordance with the INSTRUCTIONS FOR
Start feed.
Tape over the photocell on the infeed and wait until the final rinse starts.
Go to Menu - Change service settings - a login page will be displayed
where you log in.
Select the “Machine status” tab, and under this select the “Diagnosis” tab.
Scroll down to the text “DI16 Card 1 BV02 Water meter”. The final rinse
flow is displayed in litres/min.
Adjust the flow using the needle valve located next to the water meter. The
flow, which depends on the size of the machine, should be approximately
2.8-4 litres/min. The exact flow can be found on the machine's flow diagram
which is in the electrical cabinet.
Exit the “Diagnosis” tab using the home key. Remove the tape from the