Westward Operating Instructions Manual
Battery Load Tester
Acquired volt < 13.5 volt
No good. Please
check alternator.
13.5 volt < acquired volt < 15 volt
Acquired volt > 15 volt
No good. Please check
Turn on high beam lights and below on high, then
the charging voltage test can be completed with
the same test table as mentioned in No. 4.
This test identifies excessive starter current draw,
which makes starting difficult and shortens battery life.
Perform battery load test and proceed if battery is
Engine must be at normal operating
1. Connect tester clamps to battery as described in
No. 1 and No. 2 under Battery Load Test.
2. Disable the ignition so the car will not start.
3. Crank the engine and note the voltage reading
during cranking.
4. A display reading of 9 volts or less indicates
excessive current draw. This may be due to bad
connection of a failing starter motor; or the battery
is too small for the vehicle’s requirements.
Troubleshooting Chart
Because of the battery’s chemical nature, it will test lower when cold than when warm. For most accurate results, this
effect should be compensated for when the battery’s internal temperature is below 40 (4.4 ). Assume internal
battery temperature to be the day’s high-low average. See chart below.
Example: If rated capacity is 800 CCA and internal temperature is approximately 35
(1.7 ). Assume test capacity
to be 560 CCA (560 = 800
Battery Analysis (LED reading after load test)
Load Test
Battery Condition
(green LED)
Battery capacity is OK. Battery may or not be fully charged.
Check Specific Gravity of charge. If SG is less than full
charge, check for electrical drain or possible system trouble.
Recharge battery to full level.
Weak or Bad,
But Display
Remains Steady
(Yellow or Red LED)
Battery capacity is not satisfactory. Battery may be either
defective or not fully charged. Check SG to determine which
condition exists. If charging does not bring SG to full charge
level, battery should be replaced.
Weak or Bad,
But Display
Remains Failing
(Yellow or Red LED)
Battery may be defective or very run down. Release load
switch and note display reaction. Voltage recovery to12 volt or
above within seconds indicates defective battery. Slow voltage
recovery indicates run down condition. For best results, check
2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 0 0 %
( °
F ) - 2 0 - 1 0 0 + 1 0 + 2 0 + 3 0 + 4 0 + 5 0 + 6 0 + 7 0
( °
C ) - 2 9 - 2 8 - 1 8 - 1 2 - 6 . 7 - 1 . 1 + 4 . 4 + 1 0 + 1 5 . 6 + 2 1 . 1
I n t e r n a l B a t t e r y T e m p e r a t u r e
T e s t A t T h i s P e r c e n t a g e O f R a t e d C a p a c i t y