030-300629 Rev. A
February 2011
User Guide
VersaLink Wireless Gateway (Model 7550)
A bridge is a layer 2 de vice that connects two se gments of the
same LAN that use the sa
me protoc ol s uch as Et hernet. The
modem does not have a WAN IP address in this mode. The client
PC will typ ically g et an IP ad dress fro m a DHCP serv er in th e
network or t he IP address can be assi gned t o t he cl ient PC
Bridge Mode
Routed Bridge
Routed B ridged E ncapsulation (R BE) i s t he pr ocess by which a
bridged segment is terminated on a routed interface. Specifically,
the Router is routing on an IEEE 802.3 or Ethernet header carried
over RFC 1483 bridged ATM. RBE was developed to address the
known RFC1483 bridging issues, including broadcast storms and
security. The modem will g et a WAN IP address through DHCP
or can b e assig ned statically . NAT will use th e g lobal address
assigned to the modem.
If you select
as the Protocol, and then select
from the
Bridge Mode
drop-down menu, the following
screen will appear. Click
to save your selection.
If you configure the Router to use Bridge protocol and Bridge Mode, you must disable the Router’s
DHCP server. By disabling the DHCP server and using Bridge protocol (Bridge mode), you will allow the computer
to receive its IP address directly from the ISP’s DHCP server, not from the Router’s DHCP server. For instructions
on disabling the Router’s DHCP server, see section 16.16, “IP Address Distribution.”
After you have disabled the
Router’s DHCP server, you must reboot the computer to allow the change to take effect.