West Mountain Radio
Operating Manual
into the computer, or into the PCI cards; not a combination of both.
Before installing a Multi CBA system, ensure that installation is complete. Run through a stand-alone system
test with one CBA. Read the manual and help file completely to be familiar with the operation of using one
CBA before trying a multi CBA system.
Go to “Help --> About CBA” and verify having CBA software version or later. If an earlier version is
detected, visit the
download page
and download and install the latest version update.
If more than one CBA is connected without a valid Multi-CBA license or CBA IV connected, the program will
not start. Licensing and new hardware can be obtained from
West Mountain Radio
(No Multi-CBA License is
required for CBA IV and/or CBA HR). For further instructions on license entry see Licensing.
NOTE: Do not unplug the USB cables with the program running.
Testing Multiple Batteries:
It is important to carefully identify all tests with multiple CBAs. The software specifically requires a test name
for each test. By default it uses that name for the file name when saving the completed test file. However,
file name may be changed when saving the test.
One way to keep track of tests is by using a unique number for each battery. If testing the same batteries
over and over, consider including the cycle number as part of the test name. Consider including the date or
time as part of the name so that it will be visible on a graph when viewed at a later date. This version of the
software does allow putting notes on a graph with date and time, or for including that information part of the
test name.
To start a new test from a blank screen, click the “New Test document” icon below “File”. This will bring up a
small window asking which CBA to use. If unable to distinguish between the different CBAs, select one and
click “Identify” - which wil blink its green LED. Choose the desired CBA and a “New Test” window will appear
along with a tabbed blank graph window behind it. Connect the battery, and select a test profile or correctly
fill in the parameters and start the test.
Continue until all of the batteries are being tested or all the CBAs are in use. In a given time, the first test
will complete and the corresponding tabbed graph will pop-up over the others. A completed test window will
pop-up and the software will “beep” the PC speaker until the test has been saved and discharged battery
NOTE: Notice the test graph tabs come up in the order the next test was selected. To re-arrange the order,
click on the tab with the left mouse button, hold it down, and drag the tab over to a new location.
When a test is completed on a CBA, another battery test may be started while the other CBAs are
running. Disconnect the battery and click “Test --> New”. A prompt will appear asking if it should append the
graph or start a new one. Only tests of the same type can be appended to the current graph. Connect the
next battery and type in the test info and start the test. Do this procedure in order as indicated for best results.
NOTE: When in the process of connecting another battery and starting a new test when a test, it is possible
that a different test reaches completion and displays another pop-up completion notice which switches to its
completed graph tab. If this happens, simply close the new completed test notice window and finish starting
the new test.