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Safety regulations
Refrigerant data
Contact with skin
If sprayed, the refrigerant is likely to cause frost burns. If absorbed by
the skin, the danger is very limited; it may cause a slight irritation, and
the liquid is degreasing. Unfreeze the affected skin with water. Remove
the contaminated clothes with great care - in the presence of frost
burns, the clothes may stick to the skin. Wash with plenty of warm wa-
ter the affected skin.
In the presence of symptoms such as irritation or blisters, obtain med-
ical attention.
Contact with eyes
Prolonged exposure
Vapours do not cause harmful effects. The spraying of refrigerant may
cause frost burns. Wash immediately with a proper solution or with tap
water for at least 10 minutes, and then obtain medical attention.
Very unlikely - should something happen, it will cause frost burns.
Do not induce vomiting. Only if the patient is conscious, wash out
mouth with water and give some 250 ml of water to drink. Then, obtain
medical attention.
R407C: remarkable concentrations in the air may have an anaesthetic
effect, up to fainting. The exposure to considerable amounts may cause
irregular heartbeat, up to the sudden death of the patient. Very high
concentrations may result in the risk of asphyxia, due to the reduction in
the oxygen percentage in the atmosphere. Remove the patient to fresh
air and keep warm and at rest.
If necessary, give oxygen. In case of breathing difficulties or arrest, pro-
ceed with artificial respiration. In case of cardiac arrest, proceed with
cardiac massage. Then, obtain medical attention.
Semiotics or support therapy is recommended. Cardiac sensitisation
has been observed that, in the presence of circulating catecholamines
such as adrenalin, may cause cardiac arrhythmia and accordingly, in
case of exposure to high concentrations, cardiac arrest.
R407C: a study on the effects of exposure to 50,000 ppm during the
whole life of rats has identified the development of benign testicle tu-
mour. This situation should therefore be negligible for personnel ex-
posed to concentrations equal to or lower than professional levels.
Professional levels
R407C: Not specified.
R407C: Recommended threshold: 1000 ppm v/v - 8 hours TWA.
Conditions to avoid
Do not use in the presence of flames, burning surfaces and excess hu-
Safety data: R407C
Hazardous reactions
May react with sodium, potassium, barium and other alkaline metals.
Incompatible substances: magnesium and alloys with magnesium con-
centrations > 2%.
Hazardous decomposition
R407C: Halogen acids produced by thermal decomposition and hy-
Manuale SLS-SLH1 2.8.2005 12:34 Pagina 8