1.5 Safety Information That Must Be Read without Exception
Safety information found in the documentation for the customer
Only the installation manual and operating manual provide safety information for the combi oven.
The installation manual provides safety information for the transportation, setup, installation, placing-into-operation, and re-
moval-from-service tasks it describes.
The operating manual provides safety information for the cooking, cleaning, and maintenance tasks it describes.
When using the operating instructions, the operating manual or installation manual should always be consulted in order to
obtain the relevant safety information. When performing activities that go beyond simply using the software, the safety infor-
mation in the operating manual and installation manual must always be observed.
Parts of this document that must be read without exception
Failure to take the information in this document into account may result in death, injury, or property damage.
In order to ensure their safety and the safety of others, everyone working with/on the combi oven must read and understand
the following parts of this document before starting any work:
The section 'For Your Safety' on page 17
The sections describing the work that will be carried out
Danger symbol
Danger symbol
Used to warn of potential injury. Observe all the precautionary statements following this
symbol in order to avoid injury or death.
Precautionary statements
The precautionary statements in this manual are categorized using the following hazard levels:
Hazard level
Death / severe injury (irreversible)
Death / severe injury (irreversible)
Minor injury (reversible)
Property damage
1 General
Operating Manual