Part number 550-100-260/0520
J. Proof of closure (flow switch and/or CAD)
1. A flow switch or combustion air damper (CAD) interlock can be configured
by removing the jumper on connector J18 and wiring components as shown
at right and in the wiring diagram (Figure 70, page 66).
2. No control settings are required when using a flow switch.
3. Recommended configuration of the control for a CAD interlock:
a. Assign
as a
b. For the
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operating mode, select local or
for use with CAD Interlock. This ensures the damper will be
activated any time the boiler is called on to fire.
will provide 120VAC to the damper motor. Use an isolation
relay if damper motor requires another voltage or more than 2.2 amp if
using 120VAC.
The devices used must provide electrically isolated contacts,
because the J18 jumper circuit carries 5 VDC.
See Figure 70, page 66 for details.
K. 0–10 VDC Remote TARGET input –
1. See illustration at right and Figure 70, page 66 (wiring diagram) for details.
2. Remote target using 0–10VDC input requires a 0–10VDC input signal at J16-5/6 as
shown at right.
a. The input positive connection must be at J16 terminal 6 and the common connection
at terminal 5.
3. This illustration also shows how to connect TT or end switch contacts at INPUT 1,
a. If a Heat/Indirect DHW demand is required, connect the demand’s dry contact to
an unused input on the control and its pump/valve to the respective output. Then
assign and setup a priority to the input using the Wizard or manually through the
contractor menu.
b. A dry contact heat demand must be applied to one of the inputs in order to initiate
a call for heat.
4. The 0–10VDC signal is used to adjust the supply target temperature, using the TARGET
ADJUST setting. Set TARGET ADJUST during the WIZARD or manually in the
PRIORITY SETTINGS menu for the desired system/ priority.
a. Many options are available for configuring the control. The following is a suggested
setup that uses factory default settings as much as possible.
b. Use PRIORITY 1 for the Indirect DHW heating system when used. This priority’s
default values are set for Indirect DHW, direct-piped to the boiler. Verify that settings
are suitable for the application, change if needed. Use Priority 2 for Combi models.
c. Use PRIORITY 2 for the heating systems. Use PRIORITY 3 for Combi models.
The factory default settings for PRIORITY 2 or 3 make either priority a
good choice for space heating applications. Set PRIORITY 2/3 values to the
Set TARGET ADJUST value to 0–10V.
Set VOLTS FOR MAX TARGET at the voltage that will call for the highest
target temperature. Set MAX TARGET TEMP at this temperature.
Set VOLTS FOR MIN TARGET at the voltage that will call for the lowest target
temperature. Set MIN TARGET TEMP at this temperature.
F o r v o l t a g e s b e t w e e n VO LT S F O R M A X a n d VO LT S F O R
M I N , t h e t a r g e t t e m p e r a t u r e w i l l r a n g e p r o p o r t i o n a t e l y
b e t w e e n M A X TA R G E T T E M P a n d M I N TA R G E T T E M P.
NOTE: The 0–10VDC signal replaces the Outdoor Temp sensor as the target
temperature modifier (TARGET ADJUST setting). The control does not control target.
See Figure 70, page 66 for details.
Field wiring
(see wiring diagram, Figure 70, page 66) (continued)
Combi models use Input/Output pairs 1 and 4 for 3-way valve operation and cannot be used for any
other purpose. Use Input 2 for Indirect DHW (if needed) and Input 3 for Space Heating applications.