Part number 550-100-260/0520
Troubleshooting suggestions —
Corrective Action(s)
Configuration fault
Configuration data in the
control safety micro does
not match that in the
control’s application micro.
Correct the invalid configuration
Reconfirm all settings within the Control Settings screen.
Cycle power to the unit.
Perform a factory reset by going to Diagnostics – Control
Settings – Factory Default Reset and follow the on-
screen instructions.
DHW Outlet > Boiler Out
*Combi Only*
DHW Outlet > Boiler Outlet
+ 10°F and burner has been
firing for at least 30 seconds.
Clears when the DHW Outlet
sensor < Boiler Outlet sensor plus
Ensure appropriate water flow is being delivered by the
installed circulators.
Check appropriate valves are open.
Check 3-way valve is operating correctly.
Internal Clock Fault
Occurs when the internal
clock of the control is out
of sync.
Clears when the control sees
a valid clock count within the
Cycle power of the boiler.
Check the wiring of the display.
If problem persists, replace display.
Supply 60F > Return
Occurs if either Boiler Out
temperatures are greater
than Boiler In temperature
by more than 60F or the
burner has been on for less
than 2 minutes.
If this condition occurs when
the burner has been on for
more than 2 minutes, the
burner stops firing but no
message or lockout occurs.
The first time a lockout occurs,
the time to clear is 2 minutes
30 seconds. The second time a
lockout occurs it’s a 3 minutes 30
second lockout. The third time, its
4 minutes 30 seconds, the fourth
time its 5 minutes 30 seconds.
The fifth time its 6 minutes 30
The system will retry, indefinitely,
every 6 minutes 30 seconds as
long as the temperatures return
to being < 60 degrees.
If the burner first for at least 2
minutes without the temperature
difference exceeding 60 degrees,
the time condition for the >
60 degree soft lockout is reset
back to the minimum value of 2
minutes 30 seconds.
Ensure proper water flow is present through boiler.
Ensure circulators are sized correctly per the system
installation and are installed correctly.
Check wiring to circulators.
For Combi applications, add a pre-pump time to the
Combi priority to mix and circulate water to reduce
chances of this fault occurring.
Temperature Sensor
Flue 1 Sensor Open
Flue 1 Sensor Short
Flue 2 Sensor Open
Flue 2 Sensor Short
Boiler Out 1 Sensor Open
Boiler Out 1 Sensor Short
Boiler Out 2 Sensor Open
Boiler Out 2 Sensor Short
Boiler In Sensor Open
Boiler In Sensor Short
Specified sensor is sensed as
Clears automatically when sensor
is no longer Open/Short.
Check for loose or damaged wires on the designated
sensor and at the control board.
Replace appropriate sensor.
If issues persist, replace control.
Blower Fault 1
Blower does not reach
zero RPM within 4 minutes
when mode is Standby or
Clears automatically after 1 hour.
Check for loose or disconnected low voltage wires
to blower motor. Inspect low voltage blower motor