IE-SW-VL08M Series User’s Manual
Featured Functions
Factory Default
Enable the Turbo
Ring DIP
The four DIP switches are
when the
“Disable the Turbo Ring DIP Switch” box is
not checked.
Disable the Turbo
Ring DIP
The four DIP switches are
when the
“Disable the Turbo Ring DIP Switch” box is
Not checked (i.e., the Turbo
Ring DIP Switches are
enabled by default)
Set DIP switch as Turbo Ring / Set DIP switch as Turbo Ring V2
Factory Default
Set DIP switch as
Turbo Ring
Select this option to enable the Turbo Ring DIP
switches to configure the device for a “Turbo
Ring” ring.
This is the default if you do
NOT reset the switch to
factory default settings
(provided you upgraded the
firmware for Turbo Ring
Set DIP switch as
Turbo Ring V2
Select this option to enable the Turbo Ring DIP
switches to configure the device for a “Turbo
Ring V2” ring.
This is the default if you DO
reset the switch to factory
default settings (provided
you upgraded the firmware
for Turbo Ring V2).
If you upgrade the firmware of your IE-SW-VL08M from Turbo Ring to Turbo Ring V2, but do not
reset the switch to factory defaults, the DIP switches will be set to configure the device for a “Turbo
Ring” ring. If you reset the switch to factory defaults, the DIP switches will be set to configure the
device for a “Turbo Ring V2” ring.
How to Configure the Turbo Ring DIP Switches
The Turbo Ring DIP Switches are set to the OFF position at the factory.
The four DIP Switches are used to configure both the “Turbo Ring”
and “Turbo Ring V2” protocols, depending on which protocol is active.
To select which protocol the switch will use, start the user interface
software, and then use the left menu to navigate to the
Communication Redundancy
page. To use one of the Turbo Ring
protocols for the switch, select either “Turbo Ring” or “Turbo Ring
V2” in the
Redundancy Protocol
drop-down box. See the
Configuring “Turbo Ring” and “Turbo Ring V2”
section in this
chapter for details.
The following tables show how to use the DIP switches to configure the switch for “Turbo Ring” or
“Turbo Ring V2.”