WAVECREST Corporation
DTS-2077 Calibration Procedure
(17 April, 1998)
Place the delay line between the CH1 input and the SMA cable connected to CAL1.
Verify that CAL2 is connected to the CH2 input.
Press the BURST button on the front panel. Verify the "electrical length" of the cable
delay line being measured (in picoseconds) is within ±10 psec of the calibrated length.
Set MEASUREMENT to OFF and remove the delay line.
AC Performance Checks
This step turns on the 200 MHz calibration signal following the cable measurement step.
Verify that CAL1 is connected to CH1 and CAL2 is connected to CH2. Press the EXT
CAL button on the front panel. The display will direct the user from the front panel.
Perform only the AC external calibration at this time. (Do not press “GO” for DC Cal.)
When the instrument completes its calibration sequence, the DTS will display
CALIBRATED. The previous mode and display then returns.
Go to Menu #11 (see Figure 2-6 in the User's Guide) and place the cursor on the CLEAR
field. Then press FUNC. This sets up the DTS in a known defaults state.
Go to Menu #14 and set the Number of Readings (sample size) to l0,000, SETS to l, and
press CONT. Then go to Menu #1.
With the TRIG field set to 50%-50%, scroll through the various measurement options
shown below and record the measurements. Verify JITTER (JTrms) measures <6ps
(>2KHz for frequency). Then connect CAL1 to CH2 and CAL2 to CH1. Scroll through
the various measurement options shown below and record the measurements. Average
the two sets of measurements recorded for each measurement option. The average should
be within the limits shown below.
*Both Channels
0.000 psec
10 psec
0.000 psec
10 psec
2500.000 psec
10 psec
2500.000 psec
10 psec
2500.000 psec
10 psec
2500.000 psec
10 psec
5000.000 psec
10 psec
200.0 MHz
1 KHz