WAVECREST Corporation
DTS-2077 Calibration Procedure
(17 April, 1998)
Scroll to TT+ and press FUNC. The TT+ and TT- measurements for both input channels
are now set for 10%-90% trigger levels and should read between 1400 psec and 1500
When selecting Channel 2 in step (7-5), it will be necessary to press FUNC to
perform a pulse find measurement on Channel 2 to get the proper results.
Arming and Gating Checks
Connect CAL2 to the ARM1 input channel. Connect CAL1 to the delay line and the
delay line to the CH1 input channel.
At Menu #1, select PERIOD, CH1, TRIG = 50%-50%. Select AUTO ARM and
CONTINUOUS mode on the front panel, and press FUNC. Verify the displayed
measurement is 5000 psec ±10 psec with JITTER <6 psec.
Set the function generator to output a square wave with a 5 nsec wide duty cycle, and a
signal at 1 KHz.
Select EXTERNAL ARMING on ARM2 mode. Verify sample size = 10,000.
Connect the CAL1 to the CH1 input channel and CAL2 to the CH2 input channel.
Connect the output of the function generator to the ARM2 input. Go to Menu #3 and set
GATE = “ON H”. Then press CONTINUOUS.
Determine the approximate amount of time it takes the DTS to obtain l0,000 samples.
This can be done by watching Menu #16. Then change the gating duty cycle on the
function generator from 5 nsec to 2 nsec. The time to obtain the 10,000 samples should
now be more than twice as long.
Remove all test equipment and cabling from the DTS.