Cool Down
The Cool Down phase increases the efficiency of the system
by allowing the latent heat of the steam remaining in the radi-
ators to condense to water and radiate heat into the rooms
after the burner is shut off . Once the radiators have cooled
down, the control is ready to start the next heating cycle . The
Cool Down feature requires the installation of a condensate
return sensor .
To set the Cool Down Differential setting, it is recommended
to start at 25°F (14 .0°C) and make adjustments up or down
based upon the system performance . If the building tends to
overheat, increase the Cool Down Differential . If the building
tends to underheat, then decrease the Cool Down Differential .
45 minutes off time
45 minutes off time
Boiler Off
Boiler On
Boiler Off
Steam established - start cycle
Steam established
temperature setting
Return Temperature
30°F Cool Down
Differential Setting
Establishing Steam (warm-up period
Establishing Steam (warm-up period)
Cool Do
wn Period
Cool Do
wn Period
Establishing Steam (warm-up period
Establishing Steam (warm-up period)
Cool Do
wn Period
Cool Do
wn Period
Steam Established
Boiler On
220°F -
210°F -
200°F -
190°F -
180°F -
170°F -
160°F -
150°F -
140°F -
15 minutes
on time
15 minutes
on time
60 minute cycle
60 minute cycle
Steam established - start cycle
Warm Weather Shut Down (WWSD)
The Warm Weather Shut Down (WWSD) feature automatically
shuts off the central heating system to provide energy savings
based upon the outdoor air temperature . When using a
programmable schedule, there are WWSD thresholds for both
the occupied and unoccupied time periods . The WWSD goes
into effect when the outdoor air temperature exceeds the
WWSD by 1°F (0 .5°C) and resumes central heating when the
outdoor air temperature falls 1°F (0 .5°C) . below the WWSD .
Time and Date
The control includes a time and date clock . The time can be
set to either 12 or 24-hour time format and can be set to
automatically adjust for daylight savings time .
When manually set, the time is backed up for a minimum of 4
hours in the event of a power interruption . When connected to
the Internet, the time clock can be set to automatically set the
time and date based upon the time zone .