Operating, Installation, and Service Manual Page 45 - Revision: 9-15-2016
Steady Drip Out of Faucet
Possible Reason
Debris in Solenoid
Inspect Solenoid for debris and clean out as needed.
Hot Water or Steam Coming out of both the Faucet and Vent Hole
Possible Reason
Improper tubing attachment
from the hot tank to faucet or
vice versa.
Check that the tubing is connected from tank outlets to correct
faucet attachments. Connect tubing to outlets as needed.
Hot Water Coming out of Faucet Vent Hole
Possible Reason
Improper tubing attachment
from the tank to faucet or vice
Verify tubing is connected properly from tank outlets to correct
faucet attachments.
Hot Tank outlet hole is scaled
Inspect and Descale Tank as needed.
See Hot Tank Descaling Instructions that are included further
below in this Troubleshooting Section.
See instructional video on the Partner Area of the Waterlogic.com
website for more information.
Expansion chamber is not
sealed properly.
Replace the Hot Tank.