Operating, Installation, and Service Manual Page 3 - Revision: 9-15-2016
Waterlogic infiniti
Ambient, Cold and Hot Water
Cold and Hot Selections, which can be changed to Ambient and Cold settings to meet a wide range of
customer demands.
High Volume Storage and Water Capacity
Tower Model has 4 liters of Cold Water Capacity and 1.6 Liters of Hot Water Capacity.
Counter Top has 2 liters of Cold Water Capacity and 1.6 Liters of Hot Water Capacity.
BioCote®Anti-Microbial Protection
Plastic surfaces surrounding dispensing areas and drip tray are infused with an
exclusive silver additive called BioCote®. Silver is a natural anti-microbial that
inhibits the growth of microorganisms providing additional surface protection.
Leak Detection
infiniti Water Treatment Systems
are supplied with a Sensor in the Leak Tray that halts water supply
to prevent overflow and sounds alarm to reduce accident potential.
Energy Saving Sleep Mode
Energy saving Sleep Mode can be programmed to turn off heater after 3 hours of inactivity.
Large Dispense Area with Recessed Faucet
9.84 inch dispense height with BioCote® recessed faucet to protect from cross-contamination.
Child Safeguard
infiniti Water Treatment System
defaults to cold water selection. Hot water must be actively
selected along with the dispense button and then dispensed within 1.5 second and defaults back to
cold water selection. If both buttons are not pushed at the same time, hot water will not be
dispensed. This feature eliminates the accidental dispensing
of hot water.