Figure 14.5
Signal overview (Generating set)
14.2 Functions
Engine operating modes
Wärtsilä dual fuel engines can be requested by operator to run in two different operating modes:
Gas operating mode (gas fuel + pilot fuel injection)
Diesel operating mode (conventional diesel fuel inj pilot fuel injection)
In addition, engine control and safety system or the blackout detection system can force the engine to run
in backup operating mode (conventional diesel fuel injection only).
It is possible to transfer a running engine from gas- into diesel operating mode. Below a certain load limit
the engine can be transferred from diesel- into gas operating mode. The engine will automatically trip from
gas- into diesel operating mode (gas trip) in several alarm situations. Request for diesel operating mode
will always override request for gas operating mode.
Product Guide Wärtsilä 34DF - 3/2012
Product Guide
14. Automation System