6 Online measurement storage inside
the W&T Cloud
With the cloud service W&T offers a comprehensive solution
that enables the backup of data in online storage in addition
to the long-term documentation of temperature and humidity
measurement data in the internal data logger. The measu-
rement data will be sent directly from the measuring point to
the cloud, and is available online.
6.1 Auto connect
The cloud functionality is enabled by default on delivery. If the
device receives its network parameters via DHCP, or you allow
the device Internet access by entering the network parameters,
it immediately begins the transmission of the collected values
in the cloud.
The measuring data is first not assigned to a user account and
will be stored in an enclosed part of the cloud until further use.
6.2 Create a user account
To personalize the measurement data, first a user account for
the cloud access must be created. To do this, go to the cloud
and click on „create user account“.
After entering your e-mail address and a password you will get
access to the cloud.
6.3 Assign data by 4-digit access code in the cloud
Log in with your user account to http://cloud.wut.de and enter
the access code included with the device. The collected data