Operating the analyzer
Waltron User Manual 101-045-E.1
9031CX Sodium Analyzer
The service menu allows you to adjust some of the programming of the analyzer. The software version
number is indicated in the menu bar at the top of the window.
Conc. unit: toggle between ppb or ppm
T.unit: toggle between °C or °F for display temperature of the thermistor
4mA adj: adjust for the 4-20mA output
20mA adj: adjust for the 4-20mA output
Zero mV adj: factory set adjustment for analyzer response at 0mV
Span mV adj: factory set adjustment for analyzer response at 400mV
T.corr.: adjust for thermistor error (up to +/- 3 °C or °F)
RS485 2W Modbus param.
Slave ID: adjust for Slave identification number
BaudRate = 9600
DataBits = 8
Parity = Even
StopBit = 1
Valves Timing (min)
Variables in this block set the timing for the calibration sequences.
Drain GS period: Drain the grab sample- Default setting 1
Init period: Allows the sensors to adjust to the calibration fluid – default setting 5
Restrict time: Default setting 0
Stable time: Allows the sensors to adjust to the calibration fluid – default setting 7
Cond. Time: Holds the analyzer output value at the last sensor value before initiating calibration to allow
for the sensors to adjust back down to normal operating levels after running calibration standard through
the flow cell.
mV Cal 1: displays the mV reading of calibration standard 1 from the last calibration
mV Cal 2: displays the mV reading of calibration standard 2 from the last calibration