progress & innovation
Vers. 12.1
Optional controller:
Instead of the thermostat you can also install the regulation WAL02,
with this regulation you can read the temperatures of the storage
tank, boiler and the solar system directly in the living room. The
regulation WAL02 is also configurated with an ALARMFUNCTION this
function will inform you when you have to close the exhaust fume flap
Digital regulation for the Walltherm® and a solar system:
- regulation for the Walltherm with minimum temp.
- with Alarmfunction* for the Walltherm
- wit modulating pump control (solar system)
- with 2 sensor PT 1000
- with 1 sensor for the exhaust gasses
- with display for observation of the different temperatures: boiler temp., exhaust gas
temp., temp. of storage tank and temp. in the solar panels.
Wiring of the Walltherm:
B1 – Storage tank
F1 – Walltherm stove
R2 – Stove pump
T1 – Sensor for water temperature in the stove
T2 – Sensor for tank temperature (inferior part)
T4 – Sensor for exhaust fume temperatures
T5 – Sensor for tank temperature (upper part)