750 XTR Series
System manual | Version: 2.0.0
Figure 15: Power supply module with fuse holder (example 750-610/040-000)
For supply modules with fuse holders, only use fuses with a max. power loss of 1.6 W
(IEC 127).
The process of replacing fuses is described in section
External Fuse Protection
If you implement the overcurrent protection for the field supply with an
external fuse
, a
10 A fuse should be used.
WAGO 282, 2006, 281 and 2002 Series Fuse Terminal Blocks are suitable for external
fuse protection.
5.2.3 Ground Conductor
The I/O system does not require a protective conductor connection for proper operation.
In addition, the I/O system does not provide any protective conductor functionality via the
field connections. If a protective conductor connection is required, it must be implemented
outside the system.
5.2.4 Buffering
The WAGO I/O System 750 XTR requires 24 VDC (system supply) for operation.
A stable mains power supply cannot be assumed at all times and places. Therefore, you
should use regulated power supply units to ensure the quality of the supply voltage.
The system power supply must be buffered to bridge power outages. Since the power de-
mand depends on the respective node configuration, buffering is not implemented inter-
nally. To achieve power outages of 1 ms to 10 ms according to IEC61131-2, determine
the buffering appropriate for your node configuration and structure it as an external cir-