Application example: Starterkit880_App1_FUP.pro
750-880 ETHERNET Programmable Fieldbus
Quickstart Reference
Version 1.0.0
Operating the Visualization
Actuatable buttons in the visualization are indicated by a blinking frame. In
addition, your mouse pointer changes when you move it over these buttons.
Hovering for a short period will call up a yellow box, in which you can read the
button function.
You can control the digital output channels via the two buttons displayed for the
750-501 digital output module.
If you use the switch module provided (Item no. 288-863) to control a digital
output channel, then the corresponding LED changes its color to the 750-400
digital input module.
The color of the USR-LED can be changed using the
button. Each
click of the button will change the USR-LED color.
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