Detail showing wires from jacks threaded through the access holes on the
front panel printed circuit board. Be sure none of the wires interferes with
the jacks’ operation
(17) Make sure none of the jack wiring interferes with the insertion of plugs. If you have
provided your own 1/4” or 3/16” microphone jacks, be certain that their tabs do not
touch the rim of the circuit board holes. You will need to insert a plug into the jacks to
verify adequate clearance, since the plugs bend the tabs out slightly. If any tabs touch the
hole rims, then file the hole rim with a small needle file to provide clearance. (No filing
will be necessary if you use the supplied 8-pin mic jacks, or other jacks that fit the 0.625”
front panel holes.)
(18) Rotate the jacks so that their wires are oriented adjacent to the matching lettered
pads on the circuit board. The indent on 8-pin microphone jacks should face downward,
and the washer should be
the panel. Flat washers on 1/4 in. jacks go in
the panel. There are no washers on the 3.5 mm headphone jack. Note that the clearance
behind the black plastic 1/4 in. headphone jack will be tight once the front panel is
installed, so do not use a second nut behind the panel on the jack. Now tighten all the
jacks to the front panel, and also tighten the plastic nut on the AC power switch. Take
care not to scratch the panel.
(19) Solder the pins on the plastic AC power switch S301 to the circuit board.