FCC, ACTA and IC regulations
�upting se��ice. I� a���ance notice is not p�actical, ��ou will be notifie�� as soon as possible. �ou will be gi�en the oppo�tunit�� to co��ect the p�oble� an�� the telephone co�pan�� is �equi�e�� to in�o�� ��ou
o� ��ou� �ight to file a co�plaint with the FCC. �ou� telephone co�pan�� �a�� �ake changes in its �acilities, equip�ent, ope�ation, o� p�oce��u�es that coul�� a��ect the p�ope� �unctioning o� this p�o��uct.
The telephone company is required to notify you if such changes are planned .
If this product is equipped with a corded or cordless handset, it is hearing aid compatible .
I� this p�o��uct has �e�o��� ��ialing locations, ��ou �a�� choose to sto�e e�e�genc�� telephone nu�be�s (e.g., police, fi�e, �e��ical) in these locations. I� ��ou ��o sto�e o� test e�e�genc�� nu�be�s, please:
• Re�ain on the line an�� b�ie���� explain the �eason �o� the call be�o�e hanging up.
• Perform such activities in off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evening .
Industry Canada
This equipment complies with regulations RSS210 and CS-03 of Industry Canada . Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device .
The te�� “IC:” be�o�e the ce�tification/�egist�ation nu�be� onl�� signifies that the In��ust��� Cana��a technical specifications we�e �et.
The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this terminal equipment is 0 .1 . The REN is an indication of the maximum number of devices allowed to be connected to a telephone interface . The termination
on an inte��ace �a�� consist o� an�� co�bination o� ��e�ices subject onl�� to the �equi�e�ent that the su� o� the RENs o� all the ��e�ices ��oes not excee�� fi�e.