Hardware Configuration
Figure 16: UsbComCfg Multi-Device Selection
Finally you may select multiple devices at the same time. The configuration then applies to all
ports of all selected devices. Watching the LEDs on each device you can see how the configuration
proceeds from device to device.
When all USB-COM PRO are configured, they are still in Configuration mode, shown by the blue
LED. Shortly press the “Config” button put the devices back to normal operation. The LED in
the button will go dark.
4.2 Configuration via Terminal Program
Not all systems operate under Windows, and not all users have the UsbComCfg program available
when they want to reconfigure the USB-COM PRO. Even then the configuration is possible via the
virtual serial port implemented by the driver. If no driver is available on the system, the USB-COM
PRO will be of little use anyway. If the driver is not installed, please do that now (chapter
Then open your terminal emulation software, and open the first (only) serial port provided by the
USB-COM PRO. Configure the serial port for 38400 bit per second, eight bit per character without
parity, and one stop bit (38400,8N1). Flow control is not used. Select the terminal emulation as a
very dumb terminal. Incoming <CR> (Carriage Return characters) shall not result in a line feed,
but <BS> (Backspace) should position the cursor one space to the left.
June 2009
USB-COM PRO User Manual