The CORRIGO screen does not
switch on
- The system is not receiving sufficient power (P/B LED of the CORRIGO off)
- To illuminate the screen, press a key (backlighting).
- The control fuse is out of service
The fan/s does/do not work
- The timers are on 0
- No external run command
- External shutdown
- Alarm active
The remote control does not work
or sends incorrect values
Remote control at distance > 100 m
Repeater not connected correctly.
VI.1. Different types of fault
The EASY setting on VORT NRG EC / EC H systems is equipped with alarms. When the red LED flashes, press the alarm
button (red) to view the fault.
The fault will either be class A or class C (see detailed information below)
Fault type :
A : The fault causes the ventilation system to shut down. The device will not function until the problem has been resolved
and the fault eliminated.
C : The fault does not cause the ventilation system to shut down and the alarm will be reset automatically once the
problem has been resolved. To cancel a fault, press the alarm key (red), then “cancel” and “log” the fault using the arrow
keys and press OK. Warning: do not “lock”