SmartCrystal™ Cinema
Neo Dual
n ° : MUV1600178
Version : A01
Date : 10/05/2019
This document is the property of the Co VOLFONI and may not be reproduced or disclosed without permission
Optical & mechanical requirements
The SmartCrystal™ Cinema Neo Dual system must be placed directly in front
of the lens of the projector at a distance such that the image from the
projector covers as much as possible the entire area of the polarization
window in order to minimize thermal heating effects.
Ensure that the side of the SmartCrystal™ Cinema marked “PROJECTOR SIDE” is
facing towards the projector and the polarizer marked with a «RIGHT EYE» is in
front of your right projector and the polarizer marked with a «LEFT EYE» is in front of
your left projector.