7. Advanced
Figure 7-9. IVR Configuration View Frame
IVR Default Config
Under <Expand IVR Basic WAV Files> menu includes all the IVR wav files
that will be used commonly for <IVR>. Upload all the commonly used wav
files on this menu.
Digit Timeout:
Input the max waiting time for next digit input.
Input Timeout:
The maximum waiting time for the caller’s input completion.
Max Trial:
The maximum trial count till the input is correct. After this trial
count, if the input is still incorrect, the call will be disconnected.
Welcome WAV File:
A welcome message for the caller.
Choice WAV File:
A message to guide the caller to the next choice.
Connect WAV File:
A message to inform the caller that the call is going to be
routed to the selected destination.
Invalid WAV File:
A message to inform the caller that the number is wrong.
Timeout WAV File:
A message to inform the caller that max waiting time for
digit input is over.
Disconnect Timeout WAV File:
A message to inform the caller that max trial
count for digit input is over and the call is disconnected.
Busy WAV File:
A message to inform the caller that the selected number is
No Answer WAV File:
A message to inform the caller that the recipient
doesn’t answer.
A message to inform the caller that the recipient set DND on
her/his phone.
Reject WAV File:
A message to inform the caller that the call is rejected.
Error WAV File:
A message to inform the caller that there occurs some error
Group Busy WAV File:
A message to inform the caller that the group is busy.
Call Congestion WAV File:
A message to inform the caller that there is call