Operating manual Omni-Flow
Edition 1.0. 09/2017
19 / 32
1-0-0 Menu Counter
In this menu the coun-
ters are set or reset.
If a counter has the val-
ue 0, the corresponding
function is switched off
and the button is high-
lighted in red.
If the batch number = 0,
then the button for the
batch interval is likewise
highlighted in red.
1-2-0 Menu Modifying batch size
The batch size deter-
mines the number of
sheets that are counted
for a stack.
Set counters Total
sheet, Batch size and
Batch number to zero.
This function cannot
be undone using the
Undo button.
Menu Batch size
Menu Batch number
Menu Batch interval
Menu Sheet counter
Discard modifications
and display the main
Apply modifications
and display the main
Editable value
Current value
Discard modifications
and display the menu
Provisionally apply
modifications and
display the menu