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Using the Carrying Handle for Blind Searching, Ground
Surveys, and Metal Mass Location
To conduct a blind search, a ground survey, or to locate an underground metal mass, the VM-
480B transmitter and receiver must be mounted on a carrying handle (Part# 200766). The handle
positions the receiver and the transmitter in correct relation to each other.
Mounting the VM-480B Transmitter and Receiver to the Carrying Handle
1 . Assemble the Carrying Handle as shown below. Do not insert the end pieces beyond the stop
pins. Secure the screws on the center section.
Carrying Handle Assembly
2. Mount the VM-480B transmitter onto the Carrying Handle by placing the single screw-end of
the handle into the transmitter and securing it to the transmitter with the handle screw. See
below graphic, Step 1.
3. Place the mounted transmitter on the ground as shown and attach the VM-480B receiver to
the handle, screwing the two handle screws into the two threaded bushings on the receiver.
The receiver should be perpendicular to the transmitter as shown below, Step 2.
Mounting the Transmitter and Receiver onto the Carrying Handle
4. Pull the transmitter POWER switch on.
5. Set the receiver RANGE switch to "Norm" (the Receiver will turn on).
6. Set the receiver SENSITIVITY Switch to "11 o'clock position."
1 Stop Pin
Step 1
Step 2
1 Receiver
2 Transmitter
5 Operation
[email protected] | 13309 Beach Ave. Marina del Rey, CA 90292 | Phone: 800-WCT-PROD (928-7763) | Fax: 310-306-9343