The ECG measuring unit, especially the electrodes and electrode cables, may only come into contact with
healthy patient skin.
Wear the ECG measuring unit on a piece of clothing or carry it in its pouch (accessory).
While the ECG is recording, don’t make any changes to the electrodes or the device as this may result in faulty
The ECG measuring unit is a defibrillation-proof application part of type BF. The device is not suitable for direct
leads to the heart. When using a defibrillator, the ECG electrodes and the defibrillator must not come into contact.
Note: When using a defibrillator, make sure that no one has a conducting connection to the patient. Burns or
other injuries could result.
It is not possible to operate High Frequency devices, e.g. surgical devices, in combination with the ECG
measuring device.
When monitoring critical patients, an alternative ECG system should be kept readily available in the event of a
device fault or failure.
Avoid tensile loads on electrode cables.
Only use bio-compatible and CE-approved ECG electrodes with the ECG measuring unit.
Always observe the user instructions for the used electrodes.
Magnetic and electric fields can influence the function of the device. Keep the recommended separation distance
between the ECG measuring unit and devices which emit High Frequency radiation (e.g. cell or mobile phones)
to ensure correct operation (see Section 12 “Technical Specifications“).
Observe that when the measuring unit is switched on, the electromagnetic radiation it emits can influence other
electric devices around it. Keep the recommended separation distance between the ECG measuring unit and
other devices to ensure there in no interference (see Section 12 “Technical Specifications“).
The ECG measuring unit may not be operated in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Check the signal limit settings before every monitoring phase.
When using the BT12 during a stress ECG, it is required that the patient be under constant observation.
The ECG measuring unit may not be used without supervision on children under the age of 3 or mentally
confused patients. There is a risk that the electrodes could be aspirated.
Wireless transmission errors could occur if heat therapy devices are operated in the immediate vicinity.
If the patient has a cardiac pacemaker, there could be errors in the heart rate calculations.
In rare cases the measuring unit may heat up in rare cases due to a short circuit in the batteries. Turn off the
ECG measuring unit immediately and remove the batteries. Stop using the device and have it repaired before
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