To reset the BT12 connection and the Bluetooth adaptor, please follow the steps below:
Connect the Bluetooth adapter
Open Windows Device Manager
Expand the “Bluetooth Radios” tree node. Right click on “Generic Bluetooth Radio”, select the option to uninstall,
then right click on “Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator” and select uninstall.
Disconnect Bluetooth adapter
Restart PC
Remove pairing for BT12 device by powering device on, then pressing and holding the power button until 2
confirmation beeps are heard (about 20 seconds).
Connect Bluetooth dongle and allow drivers to install automatically, restart PC is requested
Power on BT12
Launch Spirotrac
Pair ECG (Tools – Options – ECG – Add/Pair) Verify that BT12 ECG device serial number listed on the BT12 ECG
device serial number label is the same as the BT12 device serial number listed in the device configuration field in
Spirotrac Tools\Options\ECG. If the serial numbers do not match, then you have paired with another BT12 device
that is also within range.
Clinical risk / safety impact information and rational for non-generation of FSCA:
The potential reportability and potential for a Field Safety Corrective Action (FSCA) has been reviewed. An FSCA is not
required in this instance. The communicated information does not present a safety issue.
Having served the respiratory market for almost half a century, Vitalograph is a world-leading provider of respiratory,
diagnostic, screening and monitoring devices. Vitalograph continue to make pioneering contributions to effective
respiratory measurements and enhanced quality of life. Vitalograph products are widely used in primary and secondary
care environments, as well as in occupational health, sports medicine and in the home. Represented in over 113
countries through highly trained authorised distributors, Vitalograph has its head office in Buckingham, England and has
offices in Germany, Ireland, Hong Kong and the United States.
For more information on Vitalograph visit or e-mail [email protected]
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